Junior Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, CS MES RK. He graduated in 2012 from South Kazakhstan State University named after M.O. Auezov with a degree in Archaeology, is a protege of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician B.A. Baitanayev. After graduation, he was hired by the Institute of Archaeology in the Department of the Era of Antiquity and the Middle Ages (engineer, Junior Researcher).
- urban centres and settlement structures in the middle reaches of the Arys River Valley and its tributaries during the Middle Ages
- historical topography and development of urban culture in the Middle Ages
He took part in the study of the following archaeological monuments:
Medieval settlement Sayram, medieval settlement Shymkent, early medieval settlement Juantobe, medieval settlement Karaspantobe, early medieval settlement Tortkultobe, Borizhar necropolis, Kaitpas burial ground, comprehensive study of early Iron Age monuments of South Kazakhstan region
Main publications:
Articles and reports:
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. Razvedka arheologicheskih pamyatnikov v doline reki Boraldaj v predgor'yah Karatau i u severnyh sklonov hrebta Karzhantau // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of social sciences and humanities. - Almaty, 2015. No. 6. - p. 174-181 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Goryachev A.A., Saraev V.V.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. Polevye issledovaniya kurgannoj gruppy Oshakty (Preliminary results)//Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference. "Kadyrbaev readings-2016." - Aktobe, 2016. - p. 80-84 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Baitanayeva Yu.A., Ergeshbaev A.A.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. Arheologicheskie issledovaniya pamyatnikov rannego zheleznogo veka v predgor'yah Karatau i u severnyh sklonov hrebta Karzhantau // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of social sciences and humanities. - Almaty, 2017 - No. 1. - p. 143-159 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Goryachev A.A., Saraev V.V.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. Gorodishche Tortkultobe // Bulletin of the Kalmyk University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - Elista, 2017. - No. 34 (2). p. 21-31 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Ergeshbaev A., Suleimenova Zh.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. Srednevekovye svetil'niki-chiragi Sajrama // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of social sciences and humanities. - Almaty, 2017. No. 1. - p. 95-101 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Ergeshbaev A.A.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. “Watchtowers” of Ispidzhab // News of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of social and human sciences. – 2019. - Volume 2, Number 324. – p. 175-184 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Ergeshbaev A.A.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. Storozhevye holmy v fortifikacii yuga Kazahstana // Bulletin of Kalmyk University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - Elista, 2019. - No. 44 (4). - p. 21-29 (co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Ergeshbaev A.A.)
Shayakhmetov A.Kh. New monuments of the early Iron Age of South Kazakhstan - Almaty, 2017. - 340 p. (Co-authored by Baitanayev B.A., Goryachev A.A., Saraev V.V., Ergeshbaev A.A., Beisenov N.B.)