Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, CS MES RK.
In 2006 she graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh State University with a degree in Archaeology and Ethnology; in 2013 - Master's Degree of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, majoring in Archaeology and Ethnology; from 2013-2017 studied at the doctoral studies of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi with a degree in Archaeology and Ethnology. The topic of the dissertation - "Ceramic complex of the era of final Bronze based on the materials of the Bozshakol settlement", supervisor is a Candidate of Historical Sciences Voyakin D.A.
Since 2012, she has been working at the Institute (engineer, junior researcher, researcher). She took part in archaeological expeditions led by A.S. Yermolaeva, D.A. Voyakin, Paula Dupuy.
Scientific interests: Bronze Age, settlements, ancient ceramics and pottery production of Kazakhstan.
Dubyagina E.V. Geometricheskij ornament epohi bronzy v ramkah andronovskoj obshchnosti // Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "IV Orazbaev readings" on the topic "Problems and achievements of national archaeology and ethnology in the XXI century", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A.M. Orazbaev. - Almaty, 2012. p. 217-218
Dubyagina E.V. Metody matematicheskoj statistiki na primere keramicheskogo materiala // Modern solutions to the current problems of Eurasian archaeology: a collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of Altai State University. - Barnaul, 2013. p. 17-19.
Dubyagina E.V. Hudozhestvennyj dekor glazurovannoj keramiki IX-X vv. Srednej Azii // Kazakh Khanate in the stream of history: A collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. - Almaty, 2015. - 708p. pp. 271-285
Yermolaeva A.S. Yerzhanova A.E. Dubyagin E.V. Teplotekhnicheskie sooruzheniya nazemnogo tipa na poselenii Taldysaj. // Scientific and technological progress: current and promising areas of the future: a collection of materials from the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference (August 18, 2017), Volume I - Kemerovo: West Siberian Scientific Center, 2017 - 111p.