Born in 1987 in the village of Shakpak, Baidibek district of Turkestan region (formerly South Kazakhstan region).
In 1993-2004 he studied at the secondary school named after G. Muratbaev in the village Shakpak.
In 2004-2008 he studied at the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University with a degree in History in Shymkent.
In 2012-2014 he studied at the magistracy at the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The theme of the master's thesis "Research, defense and museumification of the medieval cities of the Junggar Gate", supervisor: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.T. Toleubaev.
In 2012-2017, as part of an expedition to study medieval monuments of the Alakol region (Alakol archaeological expedition), he was an excavator, then the leader of the detachment. The leader of the expedition Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.T. Toleubaev.
In 2016-2017, he worked as part of an expedition to study the Shilikty monument (Shilikty archaeological expedition) in the East Kazakhstan region. The leader of the expedition Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.T. Toleubaev.
Since 2014, he has been participating in excavations and explorations as part of the Shu detachment of the SKCAE (South Kazakhstan Comprehensive Archaeological Expedition). The leader of the expedition PhD E.S. Akymbek.
Since 2015, he has been working at the A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology. Since 2018, he has been researching osteological materials in the laboratory of Archaeological Technologies.
The author of more than 60 scientific and popular science articles.
Main publications
Shaǵyrbaev M.S. Alakól aımaǵyndaǵy ortaǵasyrlyq qala mádenıeti // «Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy jáne Eýrazıa keńistigi: qazirgi zaman men damý keleshegi» atty Qazastan Respýblıkasy Táýelsizdiginiń 25 jyldyǵyna arnalǵan ǵylymı-tájirıbelik konferensıanyń maqalalar jınaǵy, II b. – 412 p. / Jalpy red. bas. E.B.Sydyqov. – Astana: L.N. Gýmılev atyndaǵy EUÝ baspasy. 294-301 p. (co-authored by Tóleýbaev Á.T., Jumataev).
Shaǵyrbaev M.S. Shilikti qorymynda 2016 jyly júrgizilgen arheologıalyq jumystardyń nátıjeleri (bastapqy habarlama) // «Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy jáne Eýrazıa keńistigi: qazirgi zaman men damý keleshegi» atty Qazastan Respýblıkasy Táýelsizdiginiń 25 jyldyǵyna arnalǵan ǵylymı-tájirıbelik konferensıanyń maqalalar jınaǵy, II b. – 412 p. / Jalpy red. bas. E.B.Sydyqov. – Astana: L.N. Gýmılev atyndaǵy EUÝ baspasy. 301-305 pp. (co-authored by Tóleýbaev Á.T., Jumataev).
Shagirbaev M.S. Osteologicheskie materialy iz karavan-saraya SHengel'dy // VESTNIK KazNPU im. Abaya, seriya «Istoricheskie i social'no -politicheskie nauki», №1(64), 2020 g. S. 390-400. (co-authored by Savelyeva T.V.).