Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Archaeology of the Era of Stone and Paleometal of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan CS MES RK.
Born March 27, 1964 in the city of Alma-Ata. In 1986 he graduated from the History Department of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay with a degree in History and Soviet Law. In 1994 he defended his thesis on the topic: "Archaeological complex of the Bronze Age of the Tamgaly tract".
The author and administrator of the site's Facebook page "Archaeology of Rock Art of Kazakhstan and Central Asia" since 2019 (; Member of ICOMOS since 2002.
Scientific and pedagogical activity: Teaching at the Tselinograd Pedagogical Institute named after S. Seyfullin, Department of General History (1989-1991). Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, NAS RK (researcher, 1991-1996; from 03.01.2019. - leading researcher). Kazakh Research Institute of Material Cultural Monuments of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998-2006), head of the department for the study and conservation of archaeological monuments. Kazakh Research Institute on the Problems of the Cultural Heritage of Nomads of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006-2011), Head of the Department of Geoarchaeology; "Archimedes School" LLP, history teacher (2013-2018); LLP "Scientific and Restoration Laboratory Island of Crimea", leading researcher (2015-2018).
Scientific interests: Archaeology of rock art of Kazakhstan and Central Asia; signs of the identity of the nomadic peoples of Kazakhstan and Central Asia (antiquity, the Middle Ages and the New Age); preservation and presentation of rock art monuments.
Naskal'nye izobrazheniya v gorah Eshkiol'mes. ¬ - Alma-Ata: Gylym, 1991. - 80 p. (co-authored by A.N. Maryashev).
Anyrakajskij treugol'nik: istoriko-geograficheskij areal i hronika velikogo srazheniya. – Almaty: Dajk-press, 2008. - 271 p.: il. (co-authored by I.V. Yerofeeva, B.Z. Aubekerov and others.).
Simvoly Tyurkskoj epohi. Almaty: TOO «Service Press», 2017 (co-authored by G.V. Kan, Z.I. Kasanov).
Kul'turnye landshafty s petroglifami Central'noj Azii: voprosy i otvety. - Samarkand: MICAI, 2018. - 252 p., il. (co-authored by V.A. Novozhenov).
Tamgi doislamskoj Central'noj Azii. Samarkand: MICAI, 2019. - 452 p. (co-authored with S.A. Yatsenko, E.A. Smagulov, K.Sh. Tabaldyev, S.R. Baratov, J. Ya. Ilyasov, G.B. Babayarov).
Main articles
Rogozhinsky A.E., Aubekerov B.Z., Sala R. Pamyatniki Kazahstana // Pamyatniki naskal'nogo iskusstva Central'noj Azii: obshchestvennoe uchastie, menedzhment, konservaciya, dokumentaciya. Almaty, 2004. p. 45-94.
Rogozhinsky A.E. «My, nizheprilozhivshie istinnye tamgi…» (opyt identifikacii rodoplemennyh znakov kazahov Starshego zhuza) // Rol' nomadov v formirovanii kul'turnogo naslediya Kazahstana. Scientific readings to the memory of N.E. Masanov. Collection of materials of the inter-scientific conference. Almaty, 2010. p. 101-127.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Novye nahodki pamyatnikov drevnetyurkskoj epigrafiki i monumental'nogo iskusstva na yuge i vostoke Kazahstana // Rol' nomadov v formirovanii kul'turnogo naslediya Kazahstana. Scientific readings to the memory of N.E. Masanov. Collection of materials of the inter-scientific conference. Almaty, 2010. p. 329–344.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Obrazy i realii drevnezemledel'cheskoj civilizacii Srednej Azii v naskal'nom iskusstve epohi bronzy YUzhnogo Kazahstana i Semirech'ya // Rock art in modern society. To the 290th anniversary of the scientific discovery of the Tomsk scribe. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 2. Kemerovo, 2011. Works of SAIPI. Issue. VIII. p. 87-99.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Tamgi-petroglify srednevekovyh kochevnikov Kazahstana (opyt tipologii i identifikacii znakov) // Dialogue of Eurasian cultures in archaeology of Kazakhstan: a collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding archaeologist K.A. Akishev. Astana: publishing house "Saryarka," 2014. p. 534-547.
Rogozhinsky A.E. «Hanskaya» tamga kazahskih dzhuchidov // Epistolary heritage of the Kazakh ruling elite 1675-1821. Collection of historical documents in 2- volumes/Author of the project, introduction, biographies of khans, scientific comments; compiler and editor-in-chief I.V. Yerofeeva. Almaty: ABDI Company JSC, 2014. Vol. I. p. 669-678.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Soslovno-dinasticheskie znaki kazahskih tore // Problems of studying the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Kazakhstan and Central Asia: toponymy, epigraphy, art: a collection of materials from an international scientific conference. Almaty: EVO PRESS Publishing House, 2014. p. 262-273.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Kazahskie tamgi: novye issledovaniya i otkrytiya // Kazakhs of Eurasia: history and culture. Collection of scientific works [editor-in-chief N.A. Tomilov; executive editor: S.K. Akhmetova, A.A. Ilyina, I.V. Tolpeko]. Omsk: Publishing House of Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky; Pavlodar: Publishing House of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 2016. p. 223-235.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Znaki sobstvennosti i vlasti drevnih i srednevekovyh obitatelej Kazahskoj stepi // Archaeological heritage of Siberia and Central Asia (problems of interpretation and preservation): materials of the international conference/edited by V.V. Bobrov. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2016. p. 52-63.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Nezadolgo do CHzhan Cyanya: sled dvizheniya nomadov iz centra Azii na Zapad v poslednie veka do nashej ery // Altaj v krugu evrazijskih drevnostej / executive editor A.P. Derevyanko, V.I. Molodin. Novosibirsk: Publishing House IAET SB RAS, 2016. p. 527-550.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Znaki i nadpisi «kamnya Tamgalytas» na okraine Betpakdaly // Archaeological heritage of Central Kazakhstan: study and preservation. A collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the organization of the Central Kazakhstan archaeological expedition of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Almaty: Research Center of History and Archeology "Begazy-Tasmola," 2017. Vol. 2. p. 297–307.
Rogozhinsky A.E., Tishin V.V. Kompleks runicheskih nadpisej i tamga-petroglifov doliny Almaly // Uchenye zapiski muzeya-zapovednika «Tomskaya pisanica». Issue 8. Kemerovo, 2018. p. 77–91.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Znaki identichnosti (tamga) i pamyatniki tamgopol'zovaniya v Kazahstane: drevnost', Srednevekov'e i Novoe vremya // Kazakstan arheologiyasy / Arheologiya Kazahstana. 2019. № 3 (5). p. 99–121.
Rogozhinsky A.E. «ZHetysu» i «Semirech'e» // Istoriya i arheologiya Semirech'ya. Iss. 6. Almaty, 2019. p. 14–30.
Rogozhinsky A.E., Zheleznyakov B.A. Klejma i tamgi na dvuh serebryanyh sosudah iz doliny SHu i Mongolii // Otan tarihy. – 2019. № 3 (87). p. 167–183.
Rogozhinsky A.E. Flagi na skalah (izobrazheniya znamyon v landshaftah s petroglifami tyurkskoj epohi Kazahstana) // Izobrazitel'nye i tekhnologicheskie tradicii rannih form iskusstva (2). Pamyati E.G. Devlet. M.; Kemerovo, 2019. p. 275–290.
Rogozhinsky A.E., Cheremisin D.V. Tamgi kochevnikov tyurkskoj epohi na Altae i v Semirech'e (opyt sopostavleniya i identifikacii) // Arheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii. 2019. Vol. 47. № 2. p. 48–59.
Tishin V.V., Rogozhinsky A.E., Seregin N.N. Tamgi i runicheskaya nadpis' na dvuh sosudah s ostrova Murujskij na Angare // Vostok (Oriens). 2020. № 1. p. 191–206.
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