Senior Researcher of the Department of the Era of Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1989 she graduated from the Chimkent Pedagogical Institute named after M. Auezov, majoring in history and social studies, she is a methodologist in educational work. She began her career in 1989 as a guide to the South Kazakhstan Regional History Museum. Since 1998, he has been participating in archaeological studies of medieval monuments of the Republic of Kazakhstan: 2001-2003 in studies of the settlement of Jaik, Kyryk oba burial ground (West Kazakhstan region); since 2004, as part of the "Madeni Mura" State Program, in studies of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region: the towns of Juantobe, Karaspan, Turkestan, Sidak, Shoitobe, Kultobe, Sauran, the burial grounds of Borizhar, Taltakai, Kuyik Mardan. In recent years, within the framework of various projects of the institute she has taken part in archaeological research of monuments of South Kazakhstan.
Scientific interests:
- Specialist in the field of medieval archaeology of South Kazakhstan.
She led the work of the South Kazakhstan Complex Archaeological Expedition detachments:
From 2004 to 2014, she headed the work of the Borizhar detachment of the South Caucasus Region, as part of various programs in research on the settlements of Kultobe, Sauran, Shoitobe in the Turkestan Region.
5.Erzhigitova A.A. Mogil'nik Borizhary // Margulan readings - 2011. Materials of the archaeological conference. Astana, April 20-22, 2011 - Astana: ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. 2011. p.248-252.
6.Smagulov E.A., Zakirov S., Erzhigitova A.A. Stroitel'nye materialy i arhitekturnye ob"ekty citadeli drevnego Turkestana // Aktual'nye problemy arheologii Evrazii. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of the A.Kh.Margulan Institute of Archaeology (October 18-19, 2016). - Almaty: A.Kh.Margulan Institute of Archaeology, 2016. - p.507 - 535.
7.Smagulov E.A., Erzhigitova A.A.Drevnyaya citadel' goroda Turkestan // III International Congress of Medieval Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes "Between East and West: the Movement of Cultures, Technologies and Empires"/ Editor-in-chief N.N. Kradin, A.G. Sitdikov. - Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2017. p. 247-252.
8.Erzhigitova A.A. U sten Saurana // "Ancient Cities of the Turkestan Region" is a scientific and educational book. Almaty: Kazygurt Publishing House, 2018. p. 50-57.
9.Erzhigitova A.A. Cıdaqtaǵy hram kesheni // «Túrkistan oblysynyń kóne qalalary» ǵylymı-tanymdylyq kitap - Almaty: «Kazyǵurt» baspasy, 2018. 68-73 bb.