Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Goryachev Alexander Anatolyevich was born on May 28, 1966. In 1992, he graduated from the History Faculty of the Abay Kazakh State Pedagogical University. In 1992, he was admitted to the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology in the Department of the Set of Monuments of Archaeology. Since 1995, he moved to the Department for the Study of Monuments of the Bronze Era of Kazakhstan. From 1992 to 1994, he took part in the scientific program on the compilation of the Set of Monuments of Archaeology of Zhambyl and Almaty regions. During the same period, he participates in a number of joint Kazakh-French and Kazakh-American expeditions.
From 2002 to present Goryachev A.A. participates in various projects under the program "Cultural Heritage", among which the largest and biggest were "Set of monuments of history and culture of Almaty region" (2004 - 2007) and "Set. Taraz-2013". Within the framework of these topics, they surveyed more than 3000 archaeological monuments, including several dozen settlements, graves and sanctuaries with bronze-era petroglyphs, identified more than one and a half thousand mound graves of the early Iron Age and opened about two dozen new medieval settlements and towns on the territory of Almaty and Zhambyl regions.
Goryachev A.A. was the head of four topics on applied research of the program "Cultural Heritage": "Archaeological monuments of Turgen gorge" (2007-2010), "Excavations of Turgen-II settlement" (2012), "Archaeological complex of Butakty-I on the south-eastern outskirts of Almaty" (2003-2013) and "Settlement of Kyzylbulak-IV" (2015). Among the programs of fundamental research, Goryachev A.A. was the head of the topics: "Culture of tribes of the Bronze Era Zhetysu" (2012-2014) and "Genesis of ancient settlements of Northern Tian-Shan region" (2015-2017), within the framework of which he opened new monuments of the Bronze Era and summarized the results of many years of research published in the republican and foreign press.
Since 2018, A.A. Goryachev has been co-head of the "Khantau Transit Corridor" project. Within the framework of the PTF program on the theme "Culture of the population of Kazakhstan from the Stone Age to ethnographic modernity according to archaeological sources," he is the head of Turgen and Karatau scientific units.
Among the domestic scientific programs Goryachev A.A. works actively on topics related to the complex study of monuments of the Bronze Era in the territory of Zhetysu, problems of their typology and chronology, as well as in the wider range on the problem of formation and development of nomadic forms of economic and cultural type of ancient population of Kazakhstan. Within the framework of this direction, he deals with the construction of ancient settlements, traditions of house construction and the development of crafts and domestic crafts of the population of the Bronze and arly Iron Age in the territory of Zhetysu.
Another priority of the scientific and practical activity of Goryachev A.A. is the study of monuments of ancient rock art, mainly the Era of Bronze and the early Iron Age. In studying petroglyphs, he pays the most attention in his works to the chronology of images, their stylistic features, and the typology of ancient sanctuaries and the semantics of the main images of the rock art of the Bronze Era of Zhetysu.
Goryachev A.A. is an editor-in-chief of the scientific almanac of Institute of archeology "History and archeology of Semirechye (Jetisý ólkesiniń tarihy men arheologialyq derekteri)" and the author of 9 monographs (including collective works) and over 100 scientific articles, including in the KKSON, RINTs and Scopus editions.
Main publications:
Naskal'nye izobrazheniya Semirech'ya. Almaty, 1998. p. 208 (together with Maryashev A.N.)
Felsbilder im Siebenstromland. // «Repertoire des petroglyphes d´Asie Centrale»- Paris, 1998. – p. 146. (together with Maryashev A.N., Potapov S.A.)
Naskal'nye izobrazheniya Semirech'ya. Edition second. Almaty, 2002. p. 264 (together with Maryashev A.N.)
CHARTER IV. The Bronze Age Archaeological Memorials in Semirechye // Metallurgy in Ancient Eastern Eurasia from the Urals to the Yellow River/Edited by Katheryn M. Linduff. - The Edwin Mellen Press. Lewiston, New York, USA. 2004. Р. 109-138.
Naskal'nye izobrazheniya v gorah Eshkiol'mes. Almaty, 2005. p. 226 (together with Baipakov K.M., Maryashev A.N., Potapov S.A.)
Epoha bronzy v regione ZHetysu i Almaty. Andronovskaya kul'tura // Istoriya Almaty. - Volume 1. Part 2.3. Almaty, 2006. p. 65-88. (together with Maryashev A.N. and Potapov S.A.)
Nauchno-spravochnye stat'i i materialy «Svod pamyatnikov istorii i kul'tury ZHambylskoj oblasti. ZHualinskij rajon». Almaty, 2014. p. 61-260. (together with Yegorova T.A.)
Novye pamyatniki Rannego zheleznogo veka YUzhnogo Kazahstana. Almaty, 2017. p. 340 (together with Baitanayev B.A., Sarayev V.V., Shayakhmetov A.H., Ergeshbayev A.A., Beisenov N.B.)
Arheologicheskij kompleks Butakty-I. Almaty, 2018. p. 264 (together with Motov Yu.A.).
Voprosy periodizacii i hronologii pamyatnikov epohi bronzy Semirech'ya \\ PA. 1993. №1. p. 5-19 (together with Maryashev A.N.)
"Nouveaux sites du Bronze pecent an Semirech´e (Kazakhstan)". Pale orient. Vol. 24\1, CNRS Editions, 1998. (together with Maryashev A.N., Potapov S.A.)
O pogrebal'nyh tradiciyah plemen pozdnej bronzy urochishcha Oj-Dzhajlyau v CHuilijskih gorah// Mirovozzrenie naseleniya YUzhnoj Sibiri i Central'noj Azii v istoricheskoj retrospektive. Barnaul, 2008. Issue II. p. 44-59.
K voprosu ob ustrojstve drevnih hramov epohi bronzy v gornoj zone Zailijskogo Alatau // Arheologiya Zapadnoj Sibiri i Altaya: opyt mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij / Process formirovaniya kul'tur i obshchnostej Sibiri v epohu bronzy. – Barnaul, 2015. - p. 209-214.
Tyurkskie petroglify urochishcha Oj-Dzhajlyau // Arheologiya Zapadnoj Sibiri i Altaya: opyt mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij / Iskusstvo drevnih i srednevekovyh narodov Central'noj Azii i sopredel'nyh territorij. – Barnaul, 2015. - p. 375-380. (together with Egorova T.A. and Egorova K.A.)
K voprosu o tipologii i hronologii mogil'nikov epohi bronzy v vysokogornoj zone Zailijskogo Alatau // Vestnik NGU: Seriya istoriya, filologiya - 2016. Vol.15, №5: Arheologiya i etnografiya – p.85-123. (together with Gass A.)
Drevnie arheologicheskie kompleksy yuzhnoj chasti gor Hantau // Samarskij nauchnyj vestnik. – Samara, 2018. Vol. 7. No. 2 (23). - p. 45-50. (together with Sarayev V.V.)
Ob ustrojstve poselenij rannego zheleznogo veka ZHetysu // «Povolzhskaya arheologiya». № 3 (29) - 2019. – p. 80-99.
A new zoo archaeological application for geometric morphometric methods: Distinguishing Ovis aries morph types to address connectivity and mobility of prehistoric Central Asian pastoralists // Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 107, July 2019, Pages 50-57. - (together with A.F. Haruda, V. Varfolomeev, A. Yermolayeva, A.K. Outrama)
Der semantische Aspekt einer ikonographischen Tradition der Darstellung von Ziegen in den Petroglyphen des südlichen Kasachastans und Kirgisistans. // Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica. 51. 2019. p. 17-31. (together with Tatjana A. Egorowa, Ksenja A. Egorowa)
Mogil'nik bronzovogo veka Mad'yarsaj-I // Teoriya i praktika arheologicheskih issledovanij. 1(29). 2020. p. 135-151.
Izobrazheniya voinov s oruzhiem v petroglifah epohi bronzy Semirech'ya // Arheologicheskie vesti, Institut istorii material'noj kul'tury RAN. – 1992. – Iss. 26 / [chief editor N. V. Khvoshchinskaya]. – SPb., 2020. - p. 123-127. (together with Yegorova T.A.)
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