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named A. Kh. Margulan

44 Avenue Dostyk, st. Shevchenko 28, Almaty




Археология институтының журналы. А.Х.Марғұлан


Главная Employees Akhatov Gaziz Amanzholovich

Akhatov Gaziz Amanzholovich



Senior Researcher of the Department of Antiquity and Middle Ages of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2000, he has been working at the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan. The field of his scientific interests is medieval history and archaeology of Kazakhstan.

He took part in archaeological research of the Central Kazakhstan archaeological expedition in research of archaeological complexes of Zhoshy - Khan, Terekty -Aulie in Central Kazakhstan. As part of the South Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition he took part in research of monuments on the territory of South Kazakhstan and Semirechye. He participated in archaeological works to collect materials for the Collection of Monuments of History and Culture of Almaty region.

He is the participant of the international scientific expedition within the framework of the INTAS project on the study of the northern part of the Aral Sea. Independent archaeological research as the head of the archaeological unit was carried out on medieval monuments of urban and settled culture in West Kazakhstan. He carried out rescue work on the exploration of monuments on the territory of Almaty, Karaganda, Pavlodar regions.

Took part in work of scientific programs of the Institute of Archaeology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK: program-target financing "Ǵylymi qazyna" on a subject: "Ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan on archaeological sources"; on the grant theme "Dynamics of cultural formation and migration processes of the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages of the Aral-Mughalzhar region"; under the programme "Applied scientific research in the field of culture" "Research of the medieval town of Nogerbek Darasa in Central Kazakhstan"; Aktobe Regional Scientific Program "Sacral Geography of Aktobe Region".


Main publications:


Baipakov K.M., Smagulov E.A. Akhatov G.A. Srednevekovoe gorodishche ZHajyk. Almaty, 2005. p. 220.

 Lokalizaciya pozdnesrednevekovyh pamyatnikov  Zapadnogo Kazahstana. // Stepi Severnoj Evrazii: proceedings of 7th international symposium/scientific edition of corresponding member of RAS A.A. Chibileva. – Orenburg, Institut stepi UrO RAN, Pechatnyj dom «Dimur», 2015. – p. 177-179 (co-authored by Bisembaev A.A.).

Harakteristika prirodno-geograficheskih uslovij Zapadnogo Kazahstana kak ekologicheskoj nishi kochevogo naseleniya rannego zheleznogo veka i srednevekov'ya // Materials of the international scientific conference devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate: The Kazakh khanate in a history stream. - Almaty. - p. 499-509 (co-authored by A.A. Bisembaev).

Gorodishcha epohi Zolotoj Ordy na territorii Zapadnogo Kazahstana // Stratum, arheologicheskie istochniki Vostochnoj Evropy. Materials of the Seventh International Conference dedicated to the memory of G.A. Fedorov-Davydov "Dialogue of urban and steppe cultures in the Eurasian space". Historical geography of the Golden Horde. - Kazan - Yalta - Chisinau 2016. - p. 74-76 (co-authored by A.A. Bisembaev).

 Islamizaciya srednevekovogo naseleniya Zapadnogo Kazahstana (po arheologicheskim materialam) // Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation (XX Ural Archaeological Conference) (October 25-29, 2016). - Izhevsk, 2016. - p. 284-286 (co-authored by A.A. Bisembaev).

 Issledovaniya srednevekovyh pamyatnikov v doline r. Ojyl v Zapadnom Kazahstane // Vestnik KazNPU im. Abaya. Seriya Istoricheskie i social'no-politicheskie nauki / Abaı atyndaǵy QazUPÝ-dyńhabarshysy. Tarıh jáne saıası-áleýmettikǵylymdar serıasy. – Almaty, 2016. -  № 2 (49). - p. 208-212.

 Srednevekovoe gorodishche ZHajyk v Zapadnom Kazahstane // Vestnik KazNPU im. Abaya. Seriya Istoricheskie i social'no-politicheskie nauki / Abaı atyndaǵy QazUPÝ-dyń habarshysy. Tarıh jáne saıası-áleýmettik ǵylymdar serıasy. – Almaty, 2017. - № 2 (53). - p. 352-355.

 Nekropol' srednevekovogo gorodishcha ZHajyk // Vestnik KazNPU im. Abaya. Seriya Istoricheskie i social'no-politicheskie nauki / Abaı atyndaǵyQazUPÝ-dyń habarshysy. Tarıh jáne saıası-áleýmettik ǵylymdar serıasy. – Almaty, 2018. - № 2 (57). - p. 213-218.

 Pamyatniki osedlogo naseleniya razvitogo i pozdnego srednevekov'ya Zapadnogo Kazahstana // Kochevye imperii Evrazii v svete arheologicheskih i mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij: collection of scientific articles of the IV International Congress of Archeology of the Eurasian Steppes. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Buryat Scientific Center of the SB RAS, 2019. - Book 1. - p. 10-13. (co-authored by A.A. Bisembaev).

Oguzskoe gorodishche ZHezdy na severnyh chinkah Ustyurta // Kochevye imperii Evrazii v svete arheologicheskih i mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij: collection of scientific articles of the IV International Congress of Archeology of the Eurasian Steppes. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Buryat Scientific Center of the SB RAS, 2019. - Book 1. - p. 19-23. (co-authored by A.A. Bisembaev, T.B. Mamirov).

The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia // Science 365, 999 (2019) (в сооавторстве Vagheesh M. Narasimhan, …, Arman A. Bissembaev, …Talgat B. Mamirov, …David Reich и др.).

 Koshelek s dzhuchidskimi dangami XIV veka v zahoronenii voina iz mogil'nika ZHajlausaj (Sarytau II) // Stratum Plus. - 2019. - №6. - p. 155-164 (co-authored by A.A. Bisembaev, Petrov P.N.).

 Elitnye pogrebeniya perioda ulusa Dzhuchi, izuchennye v Aktyubinskoj oblasti // Povolzhskaya arheologiya. Kazan'. – 2019. – № 2 (28). – p. 61–77. (co-authored by  Bisembaev A.A.).


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