Master of History, employee of the Research Laboratory of Paleoanthropological Study of Kazakhstan Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of kazakhstan.
Born on June 28, 1995 in Khromtau district of Aktobe region.
In 2017 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov. In 2017-2019 - Master of the program "Integration of Science and Education" of the Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi together with the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Walikhanov. From 2019 - until present he is studying at the postgraduate school of the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University of the Russian Federation.
Since 2017 he has been working in the research laboratory of paleoanthropological study of Kazakhstan of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan. He takes an active part in archaeological expeditions on the territory of West Kazakhstan.
From 2019 to the present he is s postgraduate student of the Volga-Ural Center of Paleoanthropological Research of the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University (Scientific Head is a Doctor of Historical Sciences Khokhlov A.A.).
Scientific interests:
ancient history of Kazakhstan
Physical features of the population of Kazakhstan from early Iron time to New time
ZHanuzak R.ZH. Istoriya issledovaniya pogrebal'nyh pamyatnikov rannego zheleznogo veka na territorii Aktyubinskoj oblasti (70-90 gg. HKH veka) // ХLIX Ural-Volga Archaeological Conference of Students and Young Scientists. Materials of the All-Russian conference with international participation. February 1-3, 2017, Kirov/executive editor A.O. Kaisin, scientific edition V.A. Korshunkov. - Kirov, 2017. - 251 p.
Bisembaev A.A., Dujsengali M.N., Mamedov A.M., Amelin V.A., Bairov N.M., Serіk G.S., Januzaq R.J. Raboty na avarijnom mogil'nike rannih kochevnikov SHpaki ІІ v 2016 godu (draft report) // «Qazaqstan men irgeles elderdiń tarıhı-mádenı murasyn zertteýdegi zamanaýı ádister men turǵylar» atty «IX Orazbaev oqýlary» atty halyqaralyq ǵylymı-ádistemelik konferensıa materıaldary / Jaýapty red. Ǵ.Q. Omarov. 1 bólim. – Almaty: Qazaq ýnıversıteti, 2017. – 337 p.
Bisembaev A.A., Ahatov G.A., Mamedov A.M., Dujsengali M.N., Amelin V.A., Bidagulov N.T., Urazova A.B., ZHanuzak R.ZH. Issledovanie pamyatnikov rannih kochevnikov Priaral'sko-Mugalzharskogo regiona v 2015-2017 gg. // "Margulan readings - 2018. Spiritual Modernization and Archaeological Heritage". Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference. - Almaty - Aktobe, 2018. - 639 p.
Grigor'ev A.P., Kitova A.O., ZHanuzak R.ZH. Morfologicheskaya harakteristika postkranial'nyh skeletov sakov Prityan'shan'ya // Kitov E.P., Tur S.S., Ivanov S.S. Paleoantropologiya sakskih kul'tur Prityan'shan'ya (VIII – pervaya polovina II v. do n.e.). Almaty: Margulan Institute of Archaeology, 2019. - p. 264-283.
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