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named A. Kh. Margulan

44 Avenue Dostyk, st. Shevchenko 28, Almaty




Археология институтының журналы. А.Х.Марғұлан



Target research laboratory of paleoanthropological study of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Archaeology of A.Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Target research laboratory of paleoanthropological study of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Archaeology of A.Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the context of the sovereign development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the topic of the creation of the target research laboratory of paleoanthropological study of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Archaeology of A. Kh. Margulan was more relevant than ever before, as regular archaeological research throughout Kazakhstan leads to the need to carry out complex anthropological research, on the basis of which it is necessary to determine the place and role of the ancient and medieval population of Kazakhstan in the formation of the anthropological map of Eurasia.

Recently, in connection with complex archaeological expeditions within the framework of Strategic National Projects for the Study of the History of Ancient Peoples, various archaeological organizations have received significant anthropological material covering almost the entire territory of modern Kazakhstan and all chronological periods from the Eneolithic to the late Middle Ages. The study of the anthropological identity of the Kazakh people and other peoples is impossible without the involvement of anthropology data. The growing interest in the ancient and ethnic history of the peoples of the post-Soviet space has stimulated large-scale research of archaeological monuments, which has led to the accumulation of a large amount of data, but unfortunately the study of the ancient population lags behind the understanding of archaeological materials. Analysis of materials from the territory of Kazakhstan and their comparison not only among themselves, but also with the ancient population of neighbouring countries of Russia, Mongolia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc., will allow and already solve a number of controversial issues in the palaeo- and ethnic history of Kazakhstan, including the problem of the formation of anthropological features of the Kazakh people. Studying of anthropological materials from the territory of Kazakhstan is of great scientific interest and has paramount value for understanding of processes of formation of anthropological structure of the people living in the territory of a steppe belt of Northern Eurasia. The most intensive studying of the paleoantropological evidence in all territory of their resettlement became possible only from 60th of last century. Thanks to the active creative activity of the anthropologist-academician O. Ismagulov, and later K. B. Sihymbayeva and A.O. Ismagulova systematically studied groups of Kazakhs on complex programs: craniology, somatology, serology, odontology and dermatoglyphics. However, the analysis of data of paleoanthropology to date is still behind the research in the territories adjacent to Kazakhstan.

The target research laboratory of paleoanthropological study of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Archaeology of A. Kh. Margulan was created thanks to the initiative of the Director of the Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences, academician of the National Academy of Sciences B. A. Baitanayev in 2015. The head of the laboratory is E.P. Kitov.

The laboratory has created a storage of paleoanthropological collections, which will be the basis for research not only in various areas of anthropology, but also for research on paleogenetics, radiocarbon dating (C14), in analysis of isotopes of nitrogen, carbon, etc. All the above analyses are widely introduced into research projects in international research and allow to make large-scale reconstructions about migration processes in Eurasia, conclusions about diet and, possibly, lifestyle of the individual. Similar studies are being carried out jointly with the Laboratory of Population Genetics of the Institute of General Genetics and Cytology of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as with the Department of Genetics of the Harvard Medical School, the Department of Genetics of the Max Plank Institute, etc. Paleoanthropological study of gathered collections is carried out according to various methods adopted in modern physical anthropology (craniology, osteometry, odontology, cranioscopy, paleopathology, reconstruction of physical activity, etc.). On the basis of published and unpublished materials, integration multilateral statistical analyses are carried out with the involvement of new paleoanthropological materials from the territory of modern Kazakhstan and neighboring territories. On the basis of these complex researches processes racial and ethnogenesis, taking place in the territory of modern Kazakhstan in particular and a steppe strip of Eurasia generally, and their role in formation of the population of the subsequent periods are studied.

The main purpose of the laboratory is to collect and store anthropological collections for the purpose of studying the process of formation of anthropological cover on the basis of paleoanthropological materials of a large chronological interval (from the Stone Age to the present) and training young specialists. On the basis of the available anthropological materials, a reliable scientific basis will be obtained for solving problems of race and ethnogenesis in the process of forming an anthropological map from the territory of Kazakhstan.

In order to achieve the goal of anthropological research, the implementation of the program is planned and carried out according to the following tasks:

  • Collection of anthropological materials, their restoration and organization of storage;
  • Study and introduction into scientific circulation of new paleoanthropological data on the population of Kazakhstan in various historical periods, analyzed on the basis of the latest methods and developments of paleoanthropology;
  • Inter-group and intra-group analysis of the investigated series on a wide comparative background of Eurasia populations for the purpose of anthropological identification and identification of possible genetic connections and detection of racial components;
  • Integration analysis of materials of paleoanthropology, archaeology and other related disciplines and obtaining objective results on ethnogenetic history of Kazakhstan;
  • Solution of problems of human physical activity in different ecological niches in different historical periods;
  • Study of paleopathological and traumatic evidence, to investigate the adaptive features of ancient groups to environmental conditions and the degree of social tension of ancient societies;
  • Solution of questions of a palaeodemography;
  • Performing graphic and sculpture reconstructions on skulls to create visual examples of the appearance of the ancient population of the regions of the modern territory of Kazakhstan;
  • Identification of skeletal remains from burial monuments related to burial sites of prominent historical figures on the territory of Kazakhstan, and establishment of possible kinship between individuals on the basis of morphological and genetic data;
  • Implementation of preparation and professional development of young specialists in the field of anthropology ‑ undergraduates and doctoral candidates, the participation in discussion of monographs, textbooks, manuals, scientific articles and dissertation researches presented to protection.

Already today, the laboratory has conditions for storage and operation of anthropological collections. There are about 800 storage units of different periods, which are in the process of studying and analysing the obtained data. Cooperation with archaeological centers on the territory of Kazakhstan on acceptance for storage of anthropological collections from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan continues, and the further work will be continued.

The head of the laboratory gave lectures for master and doctoral students at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi and at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University on the topic: "Physical anthropology. Study of anthropological features of the population of Kazakhstan from Bronze to modernity". The staff of the laboratory continue to prepare for the printing of articles and monographs co-authored by leading specialists in archaeology and anthropology working with the problems of the region, a methodological manual for archeologists, etc. Work also continues to highlight the problems of paleoanthropology during various periods from the Eneolithic to the late Middle Ages. Research is ongoing and we hope that results on the study of anthropological collections will be sought-after alongside field and stationary research by the Institute of Archaeology. In connection with the active work of the Target Research Laboratory of Palaeoanthropological Study of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Archaeology of A.Kh. Margulan we invite both state and private archaeological organizations to cooperate.


List of literature published by employees of research laboratory of palaeoanthropological study of Kazakhstan of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Margulan for the period 2015-2020 in one way or another connected with ancient history of Kazakhstan:


Beisenov A.Z., Ismagulova A.O., Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Naselenie Central'nogo Kazahstana v I tysyacheletii do n.e. - Almaty: A. Kh.Margulan Institute of Archaeology, 2015, 170 p.

Kitov E.P., Beisenov A.Z. CHerepa s trepanaciyami iz kurganov rannego zheleznogo veka Saryarki // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. XXIII. Antropologiya, 2015. № 1. p. 37-48. (VAK)

Kitov E.P., Saipov A. Novye kraniologicheskie materialy iz mogil'nika Borizhary (k voprosu o naselenii srednej Syrdar'i i Talasa) // Scientific journal «Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN» № 3 (2), 2015, Vol. 17, № 3(2). p. 548-558. (VAK)

Kitov E.P., Beisenov A.Z. Pervye kraniologicheskie dannye pamyatnikov korgantasskogo tipa Central'nogo Kazahstana // Vestnik CHelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. № 14 (369). Istoriya. Iss. 64. p. 16–28. (VAK)

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. Fizicheskij oblik predstavitelej botajskoj eneoliticheskoj kul'tury v kontekste problemy formirovaniya stepnogo naseleniya Kazahstana // Kazakh Khanate in the stream of history: Collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. - Almaty, 2015. - p. 437-445.

Bisembaev A.A., Mamedov A.M., Duisengali M.N., Kitov E.P. Predvaritel'nye itogi issledovaniya yamnogo mogil'nika Kumsaj v 2010 g.// Ancient Turgai and the great steppe: part and whole. Collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victor Nikolayevich Logvin. Kostanay - Almaty, 2015. p. 359-368.

Mamedov A.A, Kitov E.P. Mogil'nik rannih kochevnikov Sapibulak v Zapadnom Kazahstane // Izvestiya NAN RK. Seriya obshchestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk № 6 (304). Almaty, 2015. p. 19-60.

Beisenov A. Kitov E. Craniological materials from burials of second half of the I millennium BC in Central Khazakstan // Ancient cultures of the nothern area of China, Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia. Huh-Hoto, 2015. P. 585-591.

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P., Rykushina G.V. Kranium cheloveka s eneoliticheskogo poseleniya Koskuduk I na territorii Vostochnogo Prikaspiya Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya XXIII. Antropologiya, 2015. № 4. p. 131-135.

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P., Nechvaloda A.I. Lyudi bronzovogo veka Arkaimskoj doliny (k voprosu o preemstvennosti naseleniya ot yamnoj k sintashtinskoj kul'ture) // Stratum plus. 2016. №2. p. 277-284. (Scopus)

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O., Oralbay E. Posmertnye manipulyacii s kostyami cheloveka (dannye o mumifikacii) u naseleniya Central'noj Azii v rannem zheleznom veke // Stratum plus. 2016. №3. p. 369 – 379. (Scopus)

Kitova A.O. Predvaritel'nyj analiz skeletnyh ostankov individa iz kurgana 5 mogil'nika Issyk // Tajny «Zolotogo cheloveka»: collection of materials – Almaty, 2016. – p. 185-199.

Komarov S.G., Kitov E.P. Novye kraniologicheskie dannye k voprosu ob antropologicheskom sostave tyurkskogo naseleniya stepnoj polosy Srednego Priirtysh'ya X-XII vv. // Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii. 2016. №2 (33). p. 97-111. (VAK)

Khokhlov A.A., Solodovnikov K.N., Rykun M.P., Kravchenko G.G., Kitov E.P. Kraniologicheskie dannye k probleme svyazi populyacij yamnoj i afanas'evskoj kul'tur Evrazii nachal'nogo etapa bronzovogo veka // Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii. 2016. № 3 (34). p. 86-106. (VAK)

Kitova A.O., Kitov E.P. Maxillodental pathologyon sculls of early nomads from Kazakhstan // The 21st Eropean meeting of the paleopathology association. Moscow, 2016. p. 64.

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Traces of mumification on individuals' sculls and postcranial sceletons from large burial mounds on the territory of Central Asia in the Early Iron Age // The 21st Eropean meeting of the paleopathology association. Moscow, 2016. p. 63.

Gromov A.V., Kitov E.P. Mogil'nik Karatuma: paleodemografiya // Bajpakov K.M., Voyakin D.A., Zaharov S.V. Mogil'nik Karatuma. Nekropol' rannego zheleznogo veka v Semirech'e. – Almaty: TOO «Arheologicheskaya ekspertiza», 2016. – p. 574-582.

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. Kranium cheloveka s eneoliticheskogo poseleniya Koskuduk I: k obsuzhdeniyu voprosa o yuzhno-evropeoidnom komponente naseleniya Zapadnogo Kazahstana // Aktual'nye problemy arheologii Evrazii. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 25th anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan (October 18-19, 2016). - Almaty: Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, 2016. p. 223-230

Kitov E.P. Novoe strukturnoe podrazdelenie v Institute arheologii im. A.H. Margulana – nauchno-issledovatel'skaya laboratoriya paleoantropologicheskogo izucheniya Kazahstana // Aktual'nye problemy arheologii Evrazii. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 25th anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan (October 18-19, 2016). - Almaty: Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, 2016. p. 659-665.

Baitanayev B.A., Kitov E.P. Antropologicheskie osobennosti zhenskogo pogrebeniya iz mogil'nika Urzhar // Kul'turnoe nasledie Evrazii (s drevnosti do nashih dnej). – Almaty: Institut arheologii im. A.H. Margulana, 2016. p. 722 – 729.

Jansugurova L.B., Baitanayev B.A., Khusainova E.M., Nurzhibek, Junusova G.S., Iksan O.A., Jantayeva K.B., Kitov E.P. Analiz mitohondrial'noj DNK nahodki «Urzharskaya princessa» // Kul'turnoe nasledie Evrazii (s drevnosti do nashih dnej). – Almaty: Institut arheologii im. A.H. Margulana, 2016. p. 698-711

Yagodin V.N., Kitov E.P. Yagodin D.V. Kochevniki pozdnesarmatskogo vremeni YUgo-Vostochnogo Ustyurta (po materialam mogil'nika Kazybaba I) // Vestnik Karakalpakskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan. Nukus, 2016. №4 (245). p. 146-151.

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Odontologicheskie i paleopatologicheskie osobennosti naseleniya bassejna r. Arys' // Izvestiya NAN RK. Seriya obshchestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk № 1 (311). Almaty, 2017. p. 58-63. (VAK Kazahstan)

Yagodin V.N., Kitov E.P. Yagodin D.V. Tipologiya pogrebal'nyh kompleksov mogil'nika Kazybaba I vo II-IV vv. n.e. (k voprosu o proiskhozhdenii kochevnikov yugo-vostochnogo chinka Ustyurta). // Stratum plus. 2017. №4. p. 357-379. (Scopus)

Beisenov A.Z., Kitov E.P. Duisenbay D.B. Rannie kochevniki Central'nogo Kazahstana po dannym arheologii i antropologii // Vestnik Samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN. Samara. 2017. p. 217-222 (VAK).

Jansugurova L.B., Seibert V.F., Kitov E.P., Iksan O.A., Nurzhibek, Junusova G.S., Jantayeva K.B., Kuzovleva E.B., Khusainova E.M. Paleogeneticheskoe issledovanie chelovecheskih ostankov eneoliticheskogo perioda s poseleniya Botaj//Izvestiya NAN RK. Seriya biologicheskaya i medicinskaya. 4 (322). Almaty, 2017. p. 78-88 (VAK Kazahstan).

Yagodin V.N., Kitov E.P., Mamedov A.M., Kitova A.O., Yagodin V.V. Stepnye plemena na severo-zapadnyh granicah Horezma v VI-V vv. do n.e. - III-IV vv.n.e. (Po materialam kurgannogo mogil'nika Kazybaba 1). Vol. 1. Almaty. 2017. 651 p.

Kitov E.P., Khokhlov A.A., Medvedev P.S. Dannye paleoantropologii kak istochnik dlya rekonstrukcii processa slozheniya i social'noj stratifikacii obshchestva (po materialam sintashtinskih i potapovskih pamyatnikov bronzovogo veka) // Stratum plus. 2018. №2. p. 91- 107. (Scopus)

Peter de Barros Damgaard и др. (в соавт. Kitov E.P.). Population genomic history of the Eurasian steppe // Nature. 2018. Vol. 557. № 7705. p. 369-374. (WoS and Scopus)

Terry C. Jones и др. (в соавт. Kitov E.P.). Bronze and Iron Age human hepatitis B viruses // Nature. 2018. Vol. 557. № 7705. p. 418-423. (WoS and Scopus)

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Posmertnye ritualy u rannih kochevnikov Central'noj Azii // "Margulan readings - 2018. Spiritual Modernization and Archaeological Heritage". Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Almaty - Aktobe, 2018. - 639 pp. p. 582-585

Kitov E.P., Kapinus YU.O Novye kraniologicheskie dannye po materialam sarmatskih pamyatnikov Priural'ya // XXI Ural'skoe arheologicheskoe soveshchanie, posvyashchennoe 85-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya G.I. Matveevoj i 70- letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya I.B. Vasil'eva. Samara: Izd-vo SGSPU, 2018. p. 128-133.

Beisenov A.Z., Duisenbai D.B., Kitov E.P., Kulkova M.A. Issledovanie sakskih kurganov v urochishche Kaspan v ZHetysu // Teoriya i praktika arheologicheskih issledovanij. Barnaul, 2018. №23 (23). p.140-165.

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. Kraniologicheskie materialy rannebronzovogo veka doliny r.Uil Zapadnogo Kazahstana // Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk, Vol. 20, № 3(2), 2018. p.510-516.

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Mogil'nik Eleke Sazy II v Vostochnom Kazahstane (analiz iskusstvennyh povrezhdenij kostej pogrebennyh) // Topical issues of studying the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Eurasia: materials of the international XV Eurasian Scientific Forum. - Astana: L.N. Gumilyov, 2018. p. 312-319.

Bekseitov B.G., Tulegenov T.J., Ivanov S.S., Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Mogil'nik rannego zheleznogo veka Kara-Arsha v Semirech'e // Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk, Vol. 20, № 3(2), 2018. p. 527-536.

Bekseitov G.T., Tulegenov T.J., Ivanov S.S., Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Issledovanie mogil'nika rannego zheleznogo veka Rahat v Semirech'e // Genesis: istoricheskie issledovaniya, Vol.11, 2018. p. 108-123.

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty problemy proiskhozhdeniya fizicheskogo oblika nositelej kul'tur sintashtinskogo kruga pozdnego etapa epohi bronzy // Povolzhskaya Arheologiya. №1(27), 2018. p. 59-71. (Scopus)

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. Defekty travmaticheskogo proiskhozhdeniya na paleoantropologicheskih materialah epohi rannego metalla Volgo-Ural'ya // Stratum Plus, №2. p. 267-280. (WoS and Scopus).

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. Drevnejshie antropologicheskie kompleksy stepej Kazahstana k probleme geneticheskoj svyazi s naseleniem nachala pozdnebronzovogo veka regiona // Margulan Readings-2019: Materials of the International Archaeological Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archeologist K.A. Akishev. - Nur-Sultan, 2019. p. 645-650

Djansugurova L.B., Nurzhibek K., Choongwon Jeong, Immel A., Ixan O.A., Zaibert V.F., Kitov E.P., Bekmanov B.O., Khussainova E.M., Krause J. Whole genome sequencing results of two eneolithic human objects from botai settlement // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Botay Culture and Other Eneolithic Monuments of Central Asia", Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 4-6, 2019. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2019. p. 54-56.

Kitov E.P. Antropologiya mogil'nika alakul'skoj kul'tury epohi bronzy Kulevchi VI v YUzhnom Zaural'e // Novyj vzglyad i perspektivy izucheniya istoriko-kul'turnogo naslediya Mangistau. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Aktau, 2019. p. 288 - 305

Kitov E.P., Khokhlov A.A., Ivanov S.S. Boevye travmy u rannih kochevnikov «savromato-sarmatskogo» oblika, kak otrazhenie social'no-politicheskoj obstanovki v stepnoj polose Evrazii // Stratum Plus. №3. 2019. p.169-180. (WoS i Scopus).

Vagheesh N. et al. (co-authored by Kitov E.P.). The Genomic Formation of South and Central Asia // Science. vol. 365 no. 6457. 2019. (WoS and Scopus)

Jambulatov K.A., Yagodin V.N., Kitov E.P., Musayeva R.S., Yagodin V.V. Kompleks vooruzheniya pozdnesarmatskogo vremeni territorii Zapadnogo Kazahstana i Ustyurta // Stratum plus. №4. 2019. p. 265-283. (WoS and Scopus)

Bekseitov B.G., Tulegenov T.J., Ivanov S.S., Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Issledovanie mogil'nika Sunkar v Semirech'e // Vestnik YUUrGU. Seriya «Social'no-gumanitarnye nauki». 2019, Vol. 19, № 4. p.29-39. (VAK).

Kitov E.P. Antropologicheskie osobennosti rannih kochevnikov IV–III vv. do n.e. s territorii verhnego i srednego techeniya r.Ural // XIII Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia: Collection of Materials. Kazan, July 2-6, 2019/Executive editor: M. Y. Martynova. - Moscow; Kazan: IEA RAS, KFU, Institute of History named after Sh. Marjani AN RT, 2019. p. 87.

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O. Analiz perforacionnyh otverstij na kostyah cheloveka iz mogil'nika Eleke Sazy II s territorii Vostochnogo Kazahstana // Don antiquities. Materials of the International Scientific Conference of Azov, October 14-18, 2019 "Azak and the World Around" Iss. 12. Publishing house of the Azov memorial estate. Azov, 2019. p. 264-265.

Kitov E.P., Kitova A.O., Pozdnyakov D.V. Antropologicheskie issledovaniya ostankov iz mavzoleya Karauylkumbet s territorii Zapadnogo Kazahstana // Don antiquities. Materials of the International Scientific Conference of Azov, October 14-18, 2019 "Azak and the World Around" Iss. 12. Publishing house of the Azov memorial estate. Azov, 2019. p. 266-267.

Khokhlov A.A., Kitov E.P. O rezul'tatah izucheniya paleoantropologicheskih materialov nachala pozdnebronzovogo veka YUzhnogo Urala i prilegayushchih territorij na sovremennom etape razvitiya nauki // Don antiquities. Materials of the International Scientific Conference of Azov, October 14-18, 2019 "Azak and the World Around" Iss. 12. Publishing house of the Azov memorial estate. Azov, 2019. p. 291-293.

Kahbatkyzy N., Guido A.G. R., Zaibert V.F., Samashev Z., Kitov E., Ixan O., Brandt G., Khussainova E., Bekmanov B., Djansugrova L., Krause J., Jeong Ch. Archaeogenetic study of ancient human remains within the territory of kazakhstan // VIII Alexeyev Readings (International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Academics V.P. Alekseyev and T.I. Alekseyeva): Materials. Moscow, August 26-28, 2019. M.: Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University, 2019. p. 110-111.

Kitov E.P., Tur S.S., Ivanov S.S. Paleoantropologiya sakskih kul'tur Prityanshan'ya (VIII – 1-aya polovina II v. do n.e.». Almaty: «Hikari», 2019. 300 p.

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