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named A. Kh. Margulan

44 Avenue Dostyk, st. Shevchenko 28, Almaty




Археология институтының журналы. А.Х.Марғұлан


Главная The branch of the Institute Branch of the institute of archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan in Nur-Sultan

Branch of the institute of archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan in Nur-Sultan


 Branch, structural division of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, implementing research programs within the framework of program-targeted, grant financing of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as conducting research on regional programs of scientific research.

The Institute has 10 employees, including four candidates of Historical Sciences. The director of the branch - Candidate of Historical Sciences Mamirov T.B.



 Within the framework of the program-targeted financing "Culture of the population of Kazakhstan from the Stone Age to ethnographic modernity (according to archaeological sources)", the employees of the Branch carry out research in several directions:

- research of monuments of the Stone Age of the Central Kazakhstan (settlement Ulken Zhezdy, Toktaul), South Kazakhstan (Late Paleolithic settlement Rakhat) is carried out, as well as laboratory processing of the collection of artifacts from monuments of the palaeolithic Saryarka (Ekibastuz-4, 7, Vishnevka-4, Kuroma, etc.) with their further introduction into the scientific circulation.

- research is under way on the palaeometal era in the Ulytau region to determine the range of metallurgical complexes and West Kazakhstan to identify common and different in the Sintashta culture of Southern Transurals on the one hand and West Kazakhstan on the other;

- aspects of development of cultures of early and medieval nomads of West Kazakhstan are being studied.


As part of the grant financing "Stone Age of North-East Pre-Caspian" (head is Mamirov T.), the employees of the Branch carry out excavations at the Stone Age settlements of Yeshkitau, Derkul 1 and Vavilino 1, as well as carry out exploration works in Aktobe and West Kazakhstan regions.


Within the framework of the implementation of the regional scientific program on archaeological research of Aktobe region in 2019, the employees of the Branch took their part in the implementation of 5 scientific directions:

  1. "Ancient pastoralists and metallurgs of Aktobe Region" (head is Candidate of Historical Sciences D. Baitleu).

The aim of the project is theoretical reconstruction of the process of formation and development of economic and cultural traditions of ancient pastoralists and metallurgists of Aktobe Region based on the materials of archaeological monuments of the Bronze Era.

During research activities, were carried out archaeological surveys and searches of new monuments of the paleometal era on hydrographic local neighbourhoods of Aktobe region. 56 archaeological monuments of Bronze Era (settlements, graves, clusters of petroglyphs) of both previously known and new identified objects of historical and cultural heritage have been surveyed. For the first time, 7 new settlements of the Bronze Era, 11 new locations of petroglyphs and 27 graves have been identified.

The results obtained are of great importance for understanding the processes of formation of ancient metallurgy in Aktobe region

  1. 2. "Archaeological research of elite monuments of early nomads of Aktobe region" (head is candidate of Historical Sciences A. Bisembayev).

The aim of the project is an archaeological and historical study of the elite monuments of the early nomads of Aktobe region. Systematization, analysis and generalization of archaeological materials of the early Iron Age of Aktobe region.

Field work on this topic was carried out in Mughalzhar and Temir districts of the region. The objects of the study were large burial structures: Kumbulak, Taskopa I, Besoba and Taskopa VI.

In the burial structures, 11 burials belonging to the Sauromatic archaeological culture (V century BC), as well as late Sarmatian time, have been cleared. Particularly interesting materials were received in Temir district of the region. Here in the mound 1 of the burial ground Taskopa I burial was cleared, at a depth of 5.70 partially destroyed in ancient times by robbers. But, even the remaining items allow you to talk about the leader's burial. The resulting materials are important in the study of the processes of culturogenesis that took place in the Great Steppe.

  1. 3."Historical and Cultural Complexes of Mongolsai and Oisylkara in Khromtau District of Aktobe Region" (head is candidate of Historical Sciences T. Mamirov).

The aim of the project is to carry out archaeological research to identify and explore monuments of historical and cultural heritage of the vicinity of Mongolsai and Oisylkara for reconstruction of historical and cultural processes of the region in antiquity and middle Ages.

Stone Age monuments have been identified, indicating the settlement of the region during the Neolithic era. The mounds of the burial ground Oisylkara 7 of the Early Iron Age era, belonging to the elitist monuments of Prokhor culture and dating from V-IV BC, have been studied. In the area of Mongolsai the balk has been studied for the presence of ancient workings, samples have been taken and a georadar mapping has been carried out.

Works in the vicinity of Oisylkara and Mongolsai testify to the region rich historical heritage, ranging from the Stone Age to ethnographic time.

  1. 4."The city-stake of Zhezdy on Donyztau - a unique monument of the state of Oghuzes" (head is A. Bisembayev).

The purpose of the project is related to the study of the bright monument of the State of Oghuz Yabghus in Northern Aral region - the settlements of Zhezdy and accompanying military outposts of the period of I-II thousand AD.

Archaeological research of the town of Zhezdy allows for the first time to discover the layout and development of a unique medieval city located in the difficult natural and geographical conditions of the Ustyurt Plateau. The study will produce new data on the peculiarities of dwellings, fortification devices, architecture, planigraphy of the city. The town of Zhezdy is a fortified town, with an area of about one hectare, with the remains of walls and towers and the accompanying large necropole. Research on the town of Zhezdy is aimed at studying the housing, economic premises of the peculiarities of defensive walls, and burial facilities. Work is under way to draw up a general map of the monuments of this chronological period. Based on the results of field archaeological works and laboratory and analytical research, completely new materials will be obtained on the history and culture of the population in the middle of the second half of the I - beginning of II thousand in Aktobe region.

  1. 5.Preparation of materials for the publication "Sacral Geography of Aktobe Region" (head is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Doctor of Historical Sciences B. Baitanayev).

The aim of the project is to summarize the materials on sacred monuments of Aktobe region. Study of sacred monuments of Aktobe region from ancient times to late Middle Ages. Summarizing the accumulated factual data on monuments with a distinctly cult accent. Preparation of materials for publication of illustrated, specialized catalogue of sacred places of Aktobe region.

For the implementation of this project, a research group was formed, consisting of specialists of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan, the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Walikhanov, ARSU named after K. Zhubanov, some scientific and educational centers of the country. Work is under way to draw up a common base of sacred objects of Aktobe region on the basis of analysis, synthesis of archival and bibliographic materials and newly identified during field research. The publication will include a register of monuments of archaeology, ethnography, nature and sacred places of Aktobe region.


As part of the execution of orders for archaeological research, in 2019 the employees of the Branch carried out works around the destroying mosque of the XIX century and the burial site of the famous religious figure of West Kazakhstan Doszhan Kashakula Hazret in Temir district of Aktobe region to prepare the construction of a future new mausoleum (vicinity of the district center of Shubarkuduk) (head is A. Bisembayev).



 Publication in the issue included in the Web of Science database:

1. Vagheesh M. Narasimhan, … Arman A. Bissembaev, …Talgat B. Mamirov, …David Reich. The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia // Science 365, 999 (2019)


Publications in the issues included in the Scopus database:

1. Bisembayev A.A., Petrov P.N, Akhatov G.A. Koshelek s dzhuchidskimi dangami XIV veka v zahoronenii voina iz mogil'nika Zhajlausaj (Sarytau II) // Stratum Plus. 2019. №6. P. 155-164.

2. Bisembayev A.A., Akhatov G.A. Elitnye pogrebeniya perioda ulusa Dzhuchi, izuchennye v Aktyubinskoj oblasti // Povolzhskaya arheologiya. – 2019. – № 2 (28). – P. 61–77.

3. Artyuhova O.A., Mamirov T.B. Pamyati A.G. Medoeva (k 85-letiyu issledovatelya Kaspijskogo regiona ot paleolita do sovremennosti) // Povolzhskaya arheologiya. – №3 (29). – 2019 – P. 239-242.

4. Ozherelyev D.V., Dzhasybaev E.A., Mamirov T.B. Pervye dannye o stratigrafii i kul'turnoj atribucii mnogoslojnoj stoyanki verhnego paleolita Rahat (Yugo-Vostochnyj Kazahstan) // Kratkie soobshcheniya Instituta arheologii. – 2019. – Issue 254. – P. 57–70.


Monographs, chapters of monographs:

1. Morimoto S., Kato S., Kunitake S., Shiba K., Kato H., Petrin V.T., Taimagambetov Z.K., Artyuhova O.A., Mamirov T.B., Ospanov E.B. Izuchenie Verhnepaleoliticheskoj Kul'tury v Kazahstane. – Nara, 2019 – 124 с. (in Japanese) (Morimoto S., Kato S., Kunitake S., Shiba K., Kato H., Petrin V.T., Taimagambetov Z.K., Artyuhova O.A., Mamirov T.B., Ospanov E.B. The Study of Upper Paleolithic Culture in Kazakhstan. – Nara, 2019 – 124 p. (奈良文化財研究所研究報告 第22冊. カザフスタン後期旧石器文化の研究)


Публикации в изданиях, рекомендованных ККСОН МОН РК:

1. Artyukhova O.A., Mamirov T. The history of research on stone age sites in Mangystau // News of the National Academy of ciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. SERIES OF SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES. – Volume 5, Number 327 (2019). – Р. 144-150

2. Kuandyk S.R., Mamirov T.B. Istoriya izucheniya dyunnyh pamyatnikov v Ryn-peskah Zapadnogo Kazahstana // Vestnik KazNU. Seriya istoricheskaya. – Vol. 94. – №3(2019) – P. 89-94.

3. Mamirov T.B., Klyshev E.E. O pamyatnikah kamennogo veka mestnosti Ojsylkara (Aktyubinskaya obl.): predveritel'noe soobshchenie // Online scientific magazine «» № 4 (20) 2019


Publications in the issues included in the RSCI database:

1. Mamirov T.B. Stoyanka Vavilino 1 na pravoberezh'e reki Derkul v Zapadnom Kazahstane (materialy 2018 goda) // Samara scientific reporter. – Vol. 8 – №3 (28). – Samara, 2019. – P. 166-173


Publications in scientific journals of Kazakhstan

1. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I., Akhatov G.A., Duisengali M.N., Mamedov A.M., Bidagulov N.T., Urazova A.B., Amelin V.A., Bairov N.M. Raboty poslednih let na pamyatnikah rannih kochevnikov Ilekskogo mikrorajona (predvaritel'nye itogi) // Arheologiya Kazahstana. – №1 (3). – 2019. – P. 99-115

2. Khavanskiy A.I. Otnositel'naya hronologiya i periodizaciya sintashtinskih pogrebal'nyh pamyatnikov v bassejne reki Ilek // Arheologiya Kazahstana. – №1 (3). – 2019. – P. 9-27.

3. Mamirov T.B., Bairov N.M., Klyshev E.E., Mamirov K.B., Kuandyk S.R. Polevye issledovaniya kamennogo veka v Zapadno-Kazahstanskoj oblasti v 2018 godu (predvaritel'noe soobshchenie). // Arheologiya Kazahstana. – №1 (3). – 2019. – P. 91-98.

4. Mamirov T.B., Bermagambetov A.Zh. International conference in honor of 120th anniversary of birth of the first President of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan K.I. Satpayev // Arheologiya Kazahstana. – №2 (4). – 2019. – P. 129-133.


Publications in the materials of the conferences of Kazakhstan and abroad

1. Baitleu D. Vklad K.I. Satpaeva v izuchenie pamyatnikov naskal'nogo iskusstva Central'nogo Kazahstana» // Collection of reports of scientific and practical conference held within the framework of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the birth of academician K.I. Satpayev "Academician K.I. Satpayev and his contribution to the formation and development of science and production forces of Kazakhstan". – Zhezkazgan, 2019. P. 75–79.

2. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I., Urazova A.B. Issledovanie pamyatnikov rannih kochevnikov srednego Ileka (nekotorye itogi i perspektivy) // Margulan Readings - 2019: Materials of the International Archaeological Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archeologist K.A. Akishev. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. – P. 234-242.

3. Khavanskiy A.I. K voprosu o vnutrennih kul'turnyh kontaktah Sintashtinskogo naseleniya (na primere mogil'nikov Sintashtinskij gruntovyj i Tanabergen II) // Margulan Readings - 2019: Materials of the International Archaeological Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archeologist K.A. Akishev. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. – P. 181-191.

4. Mamirov T.B. Vklad geologov v issledovanii kamennogo veka ZHezkazgan-Ulytauskogo regiona // Collection of reports of scientific and practical conference held within the framework of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the birth of academician K.I. Satpayev "Academician K.I. Satpayev and his contribution to the formation and development of science and production forces of Kazakhstan". – Zhezkazgan, 2019. – P. 26-31.

5. Artyukhova O.A., Mamirov T.B. Rezul'taty arheologicheskih rabot po issledovaniyu kamennogo veka v Mangystau v 2018 godu // Margulan Readings - 2019: Materials of the International Archaeological Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archeologist K.A. Akishev. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. – P. 55-60.

6. Artyukhova O.A., Mamirov T.B. Issledovanie stoyanki Ulken ZHezdy i Toktaul v Ulytau v 2018 g. // Margulan Readings - 2019: Materials of the International Archaeological Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archeologist K.A. Akishev. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. – P. 61-73.

7. Mamirov T.B., Bairov N.M., Mamirov K.B., Kuandyk S.R., Klyshev E.E. Issledovaniya kamennogo veka v Zapadnom Kazahstane v 2018 g. // Margulan Readings - 2019: Materials of the International Archaeological Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archeologist K.A. Akishev. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. – P. 112-119.

8. Toksanova G. Ulytaý tas ǵasyry (2018 jylǵy jumystardyń nátijesi boiynsha) // Collection of materials of the XIV International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. P. 3999-4002

9. Ozherelyev D.V., Dzhasybaev E.A., Mamirov T.B. Issledovaniya mnogoslojnoj verhnepaleoliticheskoj stoyanki Rahat v YUgo-Vostochnom Kazahstane // Kul'turnaya geografiya paleolita Vostochno-Evropejskoj ravniny: ot mikoka do epigravetta. International Conference - Field Seminar. Theses of reports. – Moscow: IA RAS, 2019. – P. 114-115

10. Akhatov G.A., Bisembayev A.A. Pamyatniki osedlogo naseleniya razvitogo i pozdnego srednevekov'ya Zapadnogo Kazahstana// Kochevye imperii Evrazii v svete arheologicheskih i mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij: Collection of scientific articles of the IV International Congress of Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Burat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. – Book 1. – P. 10-13.

11. Bisembayev A.A., Akhatov G.A., Mamirov T.B. Oguzskoe gorodishche Zhezdy na severnyh chinkah Ustyurta // Kochevye imperii Evrazii v svete arheologicheskih i mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij: Collection of scientific articles of the IV International Congress of Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Burat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. – Book 1. – P. 19-23.

12. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I. Gunny u granic Evropy // Kochevye imperii Evrazii v svete arheologicheskih i mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij: Collection of scientific articles of the IV International Congress of Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Burat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. – Book 1. – P. 98-101.

13. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I., Mamirov T.B. Bassejn Ileka kak odin iz centrov kochevyh ob"edinenij serediny I tys. do n.e. // Kochevye imperii Evrazii v svete arheologicheskih i mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanij: Collection of scientific articles of the IV International Congress of Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Burat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. – Book 1. – P. 102-105.



Main articles:

1. Bisembayev A.A., Mamirov T.B. Duhovnyj mir drevnejshih obitatelej // Evrika. – №1(1277). – January 9, 2019 – P. 16-17

2. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I. Drevnejshie skotovody i metallurgi // Evrika. – №3(1279). – January 23, 2019 – P. 16-17

3. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I. Drevnejshie skotovody i metallurgi - II // Evrika. – №10(1286). – March 13, 2019 – P. 10

4. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I. Drevnejshie skotovody i metallurgi - III // Evrika. – №12(1288). – April 3, 2019 – P. 16-17

5. Bisembayev A.A., Khavanskiy A.I. Drevnejshie skotovody i metallurgi – IV // Evrika. – №15(1291). – April 24, 2019 – P. 14-15

6. Baitleu D.A., Khavanskiy A.I. O chem govoryat petroglify // Aktyubinskij vestnik. – December 3, 2019


Participation in live streams:

  2. RUH.KZ. Altyn adam (24.04.2019)
  3. RUH.KZ. Atqa miný mádenieti (30.04.2019)



Employees of the Branch occasionally organize meetings and lectures for students of schools and colleges of Aktobe region within the framework of the program "Rýhani jańǵyrý" (Aktobe 23rd Secondary School-Lyceum, Aktobe 13th Secondary School, Martuk Secondary School №1, Badamshin Secondary School №1, Aktobe Humanitarian College, etc.).

2022 © Институт археологии им. А. Х. Маргулана Создание сайта Создание сайтов, разработка и сопровождение сайтов, продвижение, хостинг