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named A. Kh. Margulan

44 Avenue Dostyk, st. Shevchenko 28, Almaty




Археология институтының журналы. А.Х.Марғұлан



Otar Ál Farabi Nurmahanbetjanuly

Otar Ál Farabi Nurmahanbetjanuly


Master of History, employee of Research Laboratory of Paleoanthropological Study of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Born on June 27, 1994 in Shymkent.

In 2016 he graduated from South Kazakhstan State University named after M.O. Auezov. In 2017-2019 he studied at the Master's Degree of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.

Since 2016 he has been working in the research laboratory of paleoanthropological study of Kazakhstan of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. He takes an active part in archaeological expeditions on the territory of South Kazakhstan.

From 2019 to the present he is a postgraduate student of the Volga-Ural Center of Paleoanthropological Research of the Samara State Social-pedagogical University (Scientific Head of the University of Khokhlov A.A.).

Scientific interests:

Medieval history of Kazakhstan;

Anthropology of the population of the Middle Ages - new time on the territory of Kazakhstan. 


Ýaltaeva A.S., Otar Á.N. XIX aıaǵyndaǵy etnodemografıalyq karta // Qazaqstan halqy: tarıhy jáne qazirgi jaǵdaıy. Almaty: Atamura, 2017. – 304 p.

Baitanayev B.A., Ergeshbayev A.A., Shayakhmetov A.H., Beisenov N.B., Otar A.N., Baitanayev E.B., Baitanayev A.B. «Ctorozhevye bashni» Ispidzhaba» (predvaritel'nye itogi). // Online journal «edu.e-history» 2018. №3 (15) / URL:

Otar Á.N. Bókeıhanov Ǵ.N. - batys kúı óneriniń qamqorshysy // «Akademık Aqaı Núsipbekov jáne Qazaqstannyń ulttyq tarıhynyń jańǵyrýy» VI-shy Núsipbekov oqýlarynyń Respýblıkalyq ǵylymı-tájirıbelik konferensıasy materıaldarynyń jınaǵy. – Almaty: Sh.Sh. Ýálıhanov atyndaǵy Tarıh jáne etnologıa ınstıtýty, 2018. – 304 p. 253-256 pp.

Otar Á.N., Ýaltaeva A.S. Ǵ. Bókeıhanov qoǵam jáne memleket qaıratkeri // Elektrondyq jýrnal «edu.e-history» 2019. №2 (18) / URL:


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